Join the club.
We designed ClubHD to help our clients achieve optimal results over time by committing to their care, staying in the know, and saving money along the way.
ClubHD Membership
Join ClubHD for just $149 per month, and we’ll save your monthly contributions in your ClubHD account. You can use your savings for your favorite treatments and skincare products whenever you like.
Some perks of joining ClubHD include:
Enjoy 10% off ALL services & products - all the time
$149 monthly contribution gets banked, and can be applied toward future service or product purchases
Exclusive ClubHD promotions & offers
Early booking access to new services & products
Priority booking when schedules are full
Please note:
You may cancel your membership at any time
ClubHD Members only receive benefits & exclusive discounts while paying memberships are active
Monthly contributions may only be used toward services and products for the ClubHD Member
Monthly contributions cannot be returned in cash under any circumstances
You will be charged an administrative fee of $199 every time you restart your membership. This fee does not get banked for future purchases.
Join ClubHD today - and improve your outcomes for tomorrow.